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October 28, 2020: Wednesday World Blog Post #3

Written by Althea Ocomen

The influx of North Africans and middle easterners in Europe

More than a million transients and outcasts crossed into Europe in 2015, sparking a crisis as nations battled to manage with the influx, and creating division within the EU over how best to deal with resettling individuals. The tremendous majority arrived by sea but a few migrants have made their way overland, mainly via Turkey and Albania. Winter has not stemmed from the flow of individuals - with 135,711 individuals coming to Europe by the ocean since the beginning of 2016, according to the UNHCR.

1. Which countries are migrants from?

The past conflict in Syria continues to be by far the greatest driver of migration. But the progressing savagery in Afghanistan and Iraq, abuses in Eritrea, as well as destitution in Kosovo, are also driving individuals to look for new lives elsewhere.

2. Where are migrants going?

In spite of the fact that not all of those arriving in Europe select to claim refuge, numerous do. Germany received the most elevated number of modern asylum applications in 2015, with more than 476,000. Hungary moved into second place for refuge applications, as more migrants made the journey overland through Greece and the Western Balkans. It had 177,130 applications by the end of December 2015.

3. How do migrants get to Europe?

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) gauges that more than 1,011,700 migrants arrived by the ocean in 2015, and nearly 34,900 by arrival. Most of those heading for Greece take the relatively brief voyage from Turkey to the islands of Kos, Chios, Lesvos, and Samos - regularly in feeble rubber dinghies or little wooden boats.

4. How dangerous is the journey?

Concurring to the IOM, more than 3,770 transients were detailed to have died attempting to cross the Mediterranean in 2015. But in 2015, the deadliest month for migrants was April, which saw a vessel carrying about 800 individuals capsize within the ocean off Libya. Overcrowding is thought to have been one of the reasons for the disaster.

5. Which European countries are most affected?

In spite of the fact that Germany has had the foremost asylum applications in 2015, about 1,800 refugees per 100,000 of Hungary's nearby populace claimed refuge in 2015. Sweden followed near behind with 1,667 per 100,000. The figure for Germany was 587 and for the UK it was 60 applications for every 100,000 inhabitants. The EU average was 260.

6. How has Europe responded?

Pressures within the EU have been rising because of the disproportionate burden confronted by a few nations, especially the nations where the majority of migrants have been arriving: Greece, Italy, and Hungary. Another 54,000 were to be moved from Hungary, but the Hungarian government rejected this arrangement and will instead get more migrants from Italy and Greece as a portion of the relocation scheme.

7. How many asylum claims are approved?

In spite of the fact that tremendous numbers have been applying for refuge, the number of individuals being given asylum is far lower. In 2015, EU nations advertised refuge to 292,540 refugees. Within the same year, more than a million migrants applied for refuge - although applying for refuge can be a long procedure so many of that given refugee status may have connected in past years.

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